Looking back over my life I can remember moments where Satan was attacking me. Moments where he used my adversities to question what God was doing. Moments where he used people in my life to discourage me, to hold me back, and to make me believe that I was less. Moments where I found myself in a very a dark place searching for any sign of hope.
But I must say, that the last 3 years Satan has been waging a war on me like something I have never experienced. This is a war that started when I said “enough is enough, I am following God and His will for my life.”
Since I started The Devine Inspirations, Satan is constantly reminding me of my past and how others discouraged and hurt me. He is constantly raging a war on my self confidence by reminding me of my learning disability and the harsh words said to me by others. He has had no regard on who he uses, and yes he has used even Christians, to discourage, put doubt, worry, and fear about this calling on my life and family. He has no regard of using any organization to stop God's work with me and my family. He uses simple remarks made by the ones I love to ignite my anger, where I find myself saying things I should never say. There has been days that his attack is so powerful, that even in my prayers, he is putting doubt that God would even answer them.
I haven't shared this because we, as Christians, feel we need to put on a facade so others see Christ in us. But really, if we shared how Satan attacks us and tries to destroy us, then and only then can we really show others how amazing and powerful God really is. My favorite passage of scripture is Job 42 verses 2-5. Job is speaking to the Lord when he says “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. “You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.’ My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.”
I know what those dark days are like. I know what is feels like to think God is not there or wonder that He even cares. I know the despair that comes with each and every attack of Satan and I am not willing to go back. I am not willing to allow him to destroy me anymore. I have made a decision to make a stand and allow nothing to come between me and what God has planned for the rest of my life. That no matter what people say or how they judge I will keep my eyes on God. With every attack of Satan, I will be like Job and remember that God can do all things and no plan of his can be thwarted. When He speaks I will listen and when He questions I will answer. When the day comes that He calls me home, I will be able to say to the Lord, “My ears have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Thank you for your love, for your protection, and for your grace.”
Adam Devine
The Devine Inspirations -- Public Speaking and Family Ministry
Phone 724-376-7362
Email: [email protected]
To learn more about The Devine Inspirations, see our web page www.TheDevineInspirations.com
LIKE The Devine Inspirations on Facebook at www.facebook.com/devineinspirations2012
But I must say, that the last 3 years Satan has been waging a war on me like something I have never experienced. This is a war that started when I said “enough is enough, I am following God and His will for my life.”
Since I started The Devine Inspirations, Satan is constantly reminding me of my past and how others discouraged and hurt me. He is constantly raging a war on my self confidence by reminding me of my learning disability and the harsh words said to me by others. He has had no regard on who he uses, and yes he has used even Christians, to discourage, put doubt, worry, and fear about this calling on my life and family. He has no regard of using any organization to stop God's work with me and my family. He uses simple remarks made by the ones I love to ignite my anger, where I find myself saying things I should never say. There has been days that his attack is so powerful, that even in my prayers, he is putting doubt that God would even answer them.
I haven't shared this because we, as Christians, feel we need to put on a facade so others see Christ in us. But really, if we shared how Satan attacks us and tries to destroy us, then and only then can we really show others how amazing and powerful God really is. My favorite passage of scripture is Job 42 verses 2-5. Job is speaking to the Lord when he says “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. “You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.’ My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.”
I know what those dark days are like. I know what is feels like to think God is not there or wonder that He even cares. I know the despair that comes with each and every attack of Satan and I am not willing to go back. I am not willing to allow him to destroy me anymore. I have made a decision to make a stand and allow nothing to come between me and what God has planned for the rest of my life. That no matter what people say or how they judge I will keep my eyes on God. With every attack of Satan, I will be like Job and remember that God can do all things and no plan of his can be thwarted. When He speaks I will listen and when He questions I will answer. When the day comes that He calls me home, I will be able to say to the Lord, “My ears have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Thank you for your love, for your protection, and for your grace.”
Adam Devine
The Devine Inspirations -- Public Speaking and Family Ministry
Phone 724-376-7362
Email: [email protected]
To learn more about The Devine Inspirations, see our web page www.TheDevineInspirations.com
LIKE The Devine Inspirations on Facebook at www.facebook.com/devineinspirations2012